“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Abraham Lincoln
www.careercounsellor4you.com is the perfect platform for young students to explore the various career avenues that are listed on the website with elaborate details . It showcases all the conventional and non-conventional career options for the students and provides clarity as to what competencies are required for what careers and illustrates available career options in a creative yet informative manner.
• Figure out who you are and what you want out of your life.
• Identify the factors influencing your career development.
• Assess your interests, abilities and values.
• Locate resources and sources of career information.
• Determine next steps and develop a plan to achieve your goals.
• With admission insights of various colleges and Universities.
• Get a better perspective on the competitive exams/admission tests and more importantly the best way to get the latest updates.
• Clear your confusion regarding stream selection, career selection, branch selection and subject related queries with the help of psychometric tests.